Fabio Capezzone




Foro Buonaparte, 70 20121 Milan


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Il dispose d’une vaste expertise en matière de droit fiscal et d’entreprise, acquise dans des cabinets d’avocats et fiscaux de premier ordre.
Il a acquis une longue expérience dans le contrôle légal des comptes, en occupant de nombreuses fonctions, comme membre de collèges des commissaires aux comptes ou encore auditeur unique.
Il gère et assiste des entreprises de moyennes et de grandes dimensions, nationales et internationales, même dans le secteur à but non lucratif.
Il a acquis une expérience significative dans le secteur hôtelier.
Il est expert en fiscalité internationale, en opérations extraordinaires et en contentieux fiscal.

Italien, Anglais

Register of Legal Auditors of the Accounts
Register of Certified Accountants of Rome


Legal 500 EMEA
Recommended Lawyer | Italian Tax

“The team is very responsive and experienced”
“Excellent collaboration and great competence”
“I am highly satisfied with the firm’s service – response times are excellent, and most importantly these responses are precise, professional and to the point”.


Sole Statutory Auditor, Chairman and member of Boards of Statutory Auditors, Auditor, Liquidator, Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tax representative in Italy of foreign companies;
2008 – Member of “Criminal Tax Law” Commission of the Association of Certified Accountants (Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti) of Rome;
2003 – Member of the “Corporate Consultancy” Commission – “Company Audit and Legal Control of the Accounts”, Sub-commission of the Association of Certified Accountants (Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti) of Rome.


Member of the “Corporate Consultancy” Commission – “Company Audit and Legal Control of the Accounts ”, Sub-commission of the Association of Certified Accountants (Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti ) of Rome.

  • International Bar Association
  • Association of European Lawyers

1996 – Degree in Business Economics, University La Sapienza, Rome

    April 2006
  • “Postergation of reimbursment of shareholder loans
    under the art. 2467 of the Civil Code”;

  • March 2003
  • “Default interest in light of Legislative Decree no.231 of 9 Otober 2002”.

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